Blueturn Networks - Updates

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Any recent server updates will be included here, so you're aware of what is coming and what has arrived to the server!

22/02/2022 - JakeM & Alexx
Server files have been optimised more & organised.
Tanks & helicopters have had changes between health, including damage.

✔️ Field Command job has been added.
✔️ Contractor job has been added.
✔️ Blackmarket Store - located within CT has been added. This contains weapons, tools, medkits & supplies.
✔️ No Target support for ULX has been added (events).

TFA Weapons damage has been modified.
Conquest addon has been updated to improve the significance of identifying locations.

12/02/2022 -
✔️ Radios have been added.
✔️ RMP Close Protection job has been added.
✔️ Textscreen issues of the Bunks have been partially resolved.

10/02/2022 -
✔️ dWeapon has been added.
✔️ Weapon modifications.
Radio will come soon!

10/02/2022 - JakeM
✔️ Forums design has been modified.
✔️ Templates added to the forums.

07/02/2022 -
✔️ Communications between regiments and forces have been resolved.
✔️ TA Pilots now have easier access to Helipads - stairs added.
✔️ CSGO knives have been added to the server & store.
❌ Chat indicators have been removed.

06/02/2022 -
✔️ Taliban tanker job has been added.
✔️ Animation SWEPs have been added.
bLogs issues have been resolved.

05/02/2022 -
✔️ Map has been changed to Afghan Border.
✔️ bLogs has been added.
✔️ aWarn has been added.
✔️ Tasers have been added.
Weapons modified.

Blueturn Networks Official Server Rules

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No Random Death Match (Killing anyone randomly - unless you're following the RoE)

Follow New Life Rule (NLR)

Do not FailRP or Minge (Trolling is not allowed, and you will be warned for it)

Do not hack or exploit

Do not metagame (Using OOC to your advantage in RP)

Do not RDA (Detaining someone randomly - Mostly only applies for RMP and CO of the UK)

Do not FearRP (Do not try and kill anyone if you're unarmed and they have a gun to you, if you have a larger group than them then you all may pull out your weapons and unload - If you have a pistol or revolver out and they have an AR, they have control)

Do not Powergame 

You are not permitted to advertise any other community's or servers

Follow the Rules of Engagement at all times

Staff members have the final say in everything, always listen to them

No EroticRP (Do not do sexual roleplay, that's not really what you're here for I would hope)

VDM is not allowed 

No Racism, Sexism, or anything of the sort, just respect everyone, if you're joking about it then make sure only people you know will take it as a joke can hear you


You must advertise Raids

You do not have to advert Ambushes

You must advertise kidnappings once they have been carried out

Assassinations do need to be advertised


Any form of Explosive Device (Eg. IED, RPG, GL etc.) cannot be used on a group/patrol less then 3 personnel (Excludes frag grenades)

You cannot throw/fire explosives into important rooms (Eg. Comms Room)

You cannot conduct a suicide bombing with an RPG.

Grenade spamming is not allowed

If you have access to your grenade launcher then you're only allowed to use it twice every life unless given permission to do otherwise

New Life Rule

NLR for each faction is 2 minutes, meaning that you cannot return to the place of your death for 2 minutes after you die. 

Rules of Engagement

British Armed Forces

You cannot fire unless fired apon (Excludes raids)

Any person who is not carrying a visible firearm must be counted as a civilian until proven not.

If a Civilian tries to make violent actions towards you, you may detain or shoot them. (Eg. Trying to push you off a building or trying to run you over.)

APCs may not be used on groups of TA less than 3, excludes tanks

APCs may be used on vehicles of any size, with any amount of players inside

Taliban Forces

Taliban may engage BAF if they are outside of their base (excludes raids).

Tanks may be allowed to open fire on UK vehicles of any size, with any amount of players inside

Taliban are not allowed to shoot into UK Base when there is no ongoing raid

If Taliban are outside of base and people from inside the base shoot at them then they may shoot back 

Taliban are allowed to enter UK base ouside of raids aslong as they do not begin any conflict until a raid is called


Follows the RoE of whatever eam they choose to fight for

If they're alone then they can do anything other than shoot civs 


You must wait 2 minutes in between using your grenade launcher, this is not 100% strict however try to make it a reasonable amount of time

Kidnappings are only allowed to happen every 10 minutes

Roleplay Rules

Mass Promotion is not allowed unless authorised by the Command Team.

Hostages can be kept for a maximum of 15 minutes, if negotiations are still ongoing they may continue to be held.

Downtime can be enabled at 5 players or less, AFK Players do not count towards this.

Promotion cooldowns are full 24 hours.

Raiding Rules

To begin a raid your team must have first captured all points

If you are attacking and you die you cannot return to raid

If you are defending and dead you may return but you may not shoot anyone from your spawn

After a raid is conluded (all attackers have died) hen you must advert "Raid Over" and neither teams can start another raid for 15 minutes.